About us

The Hobart Natural Learners Co-op brings together natural learning, relaxed home schooling and unschooling families in the greater Hobart region. 

We meet every Thursday within the perimeter of a lovely wooden playground, near the beach and beside an open field.

Meets are somewhat relaxed, but we usually undertake an activity of some sort. Members are invited to take turns to share or lead an activity or experience with other families there. Children are also encouraged to set and lead activities. Sometimes we meet with no particular activity in mind and see where the day leads us… We also have a small patch of our own at the local neighbourhood garden that families are encouraged to tend and share in the rewards!

Membership costs $25 per family per season, to be paid up front. It is intended that members attend most weeks and become part of and contribute to our co-op community. Fees cover venue hire and our community garden membership. Specialty organised workshops may incur an additional fee. All meets are covered by insurance. 

Families currently attending have children of a range of ages from babies through to upper primary age, although all ages are warmly welcome. We encourage you to come along, bring your lunch and enjoy a cuppa and a chat in the shade of our lovely tree. 

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