Monday, August 20, 2012

Activities for co-op

We have lots of exciting new things happening at co-op over the next few months! I'm looking forward to the sunshine bringing people out of hibernation too and having a fab time together. So, here's what we have to look forward to - besides spring!...

After speaking with most of the group, it's been agreed that a better time to go to the Marine Discovery Centre will be the 20th of November... Lots of time to put it in our calendars and hopefully the weather will be sunny and warm, so we can potter on the beach nearby.

Yoga Bugs will be joining us on September 4th for a free yoga class to trial. If everyone loves it, they are also able to offer us a program of regular visits to co-op for as much yoga as we like! I'll have more details of that soon, but you can check out their website here.

Fran has kindly organised for wildlife carers Stephanie and Wayne Clarke, the Coordinators of Southern Wildlife Tasmania, to come and talk to us on September 18th. Here's a brief run down of what they might talk about:

- what we do as wildlife carers and the role of Southern Wildlife
- what you can do to help our wildlife, including dogs and cats
- what to do when you see dead wildlife on the road
- what to keep in your car to help wildlife - pillowcase, etc
- feral animals
- roadkill & roadkill prevention
- who to call
- we also talk about how special some species of wildlife are
- We also have a small flyer that we ask the children to give to mum or dad and ask them to put it in their car so that when they come across any wildlife there are instructions on the flyer to help them to help the wildlife as well as the Southern Wildlife rescue phone number."

If you think you'll be at Stephanie and Wayne's talk, please let me know by email, on facebook or in the comments section below and I'll pass that on to Fran so that they can prepare adequately for the day. 

If you feel like organising something at any time, or if you know someone with a fantastic skill they could share or talk about, please feel free to set aside a day and let me know. It's so great when
 we all get involved as a community in organising something mutually beneficial for our families. And it's easier than you'd think ;) 

See you at co-op! 

Lauren. xx

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