Monday, March 4, 2013

The neighbourhood garden...

Tending the garden at co-op #unschooling
Carrots! #oldweedyones #unschooling #community
We began tending our neighbourhood garden plot in earnest in February and we've been astounded at what a small group of enthusiastic children can do in such a short time! Working together, they've weeded...

Working together at co-op #gardening #unschooling #naturallearning #kitchengarden
Filling the wheelbarrow - again! #coop #unschooling #naturallearning #gardening #neighbourhoodgarden

Dug and composted...

"Why is the compost warm?"... And other observations and topics of discussion among our barefoot co-op gardeners #naturallearning #unschooling #gardening #kitchengarden #coop
The garden bed is ready to plant! #coop #neighbourhoodgarden #unschooling #naturallearning #gardening

And prepared our garden for planting. In just the last half hour of each co-op day we've managed to prepare a beautiful plot. The children have learnt lots already about soil, water and weeds... Last week they noticed that the compost felt warm under their feet and so discussion of the composting process, bacteria and soil began... But not only that, they're discovering the beauty of working together and all mucking in to create something co-operatively to be proud of... Tomorrow we plant our first seeds and watch our little garden grow food for us to share! Our hope is that each family will have some food to take home, and that we might harvest enough for a cooking day in the hall. So much to look forward to and share... we're looking forward to watching this tiny co-op grow and flourish too!

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